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autumn budget

With the rise of e-commerce, the retail industry, and in particular the high-street retailers, has suffered hugely. Coupled with this, running a business always requires some risk, and the economic uncertainty only makes it tougher.

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The chancellor has delivered his most small business friendly Budget to date. The Budget has bought in good news for the anxious small businesses. There is always a nervous environment pre-Budget, and small business owners can now breathe a sigh of relief. From the VAT threshold being kept at £85,000 to the fuel duty to be frozen for the ninth year running, the chancellor has been praised by the small business community.

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According to the latest report by the FSB (Federation of Small Business), confidence among small businesses is bouncing back after the dismal results of the last quarter. These positive results from the quarterly index could be due to the progress in Brexit talks, lower inflation and the positive spring statement.
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Once again, Contractors sat yesterday with baited breath to see how the secrets of Philip Hammond’s red box and the Autumn Budget 2017 would affect them. In his first Budget since the government lost their majority in the general election, it was good to hear the Chancellor affirm his commitment to small businesses, recognising them as the backbone of our economy and praising them for their “vibrancy and resilience”.
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With a new Budget around the corner and just a few months since the last one, 2017 has been a bumper year for Budgets. Following on from the Spring Budget in March, Wednesday the 22nd of November will see the first ever Autumn Budget; but why has the date of the Budget changed and how will it impact your business?
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Working out the Value Added Tax (VAT) and making sure that your business is complying with the VAT laws is time consuming for small business owners. In research conducted by the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) it was found that small business owners spend a whole working week every year trying to comply with the obligations that come with VAT.
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