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tax year 2019/20

Readers questions:  I’m in my first year of running my limited company, and I am the Director and only employee. I haven’t paid myself any salary in this tax year yet, because I earnt a salary in this tax year before I set up my business. My Limited Company will reach it’s one year anniversary in mid-May 2020. My question is, is it tax efficient to pay myself £8632 next financial year, and before mid-May when my Limited Company reaches its 1st anniversary, to minimise corporation tax payment?

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Readers question: How do I pay myself as an employee of my limited company?

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With the rise of e-commerce, the retail industry, and in particular the high-street retailers, has suffered hugely. Coupled with this, running a business always requires some risk, and the economic uncertainty only makes it tougher.

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Readers question: We have a small Limited Company with a gross turnover of £20,000. We have paid 20% tax on this figure (cis) leaving £16,000 after tax. We have one employee who has earned £12,000 gross. Are we entitled to a rebate and will there be corporation tax to pay?

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With Brexit and the uncertainty at No. 10, it’s becoming increasingly hard to predict what upcoming legislation will be enforced and when – leaving businesses, landlords and the self-employed all striving for clarity.

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