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capital gains tax

Reader’s question: I am a sole trader and have machinery worth £20k. If I transfer this to a Limited company by selling it to the company and setup as a director loan in the company, how do I treat this from a self-assessment point of view….do I pay CGT on the £20k?

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If you are classed as self-employed or have a source of untaxed income, you will be required to complete a Self-Assessment. However, this criteria is vague and many are left confused as to whether they actually need to file the tax return or not.

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Getting tax right requires careful planning. Whether you are a sole trader, a business owner with staff, or a higher rate taxpayer, you need to be talking to your advisors and keeping your eye on the ball.

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Here are the main small business tax rates and allowances for the tax year of 2019/20.
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Here are the main small business tax rates and allowances for the tax year  of 2018/19.
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Here are the main tax rates and allowances for 2017/18, that are most relevant to small businesses.
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Entrepreneurs’ Relief was created to incentivise people to set up and grow businesses by providing a reduced level of Capital Gains Tax on business disposals.
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Making a capital gain is usually great news – paying tax on it isn’t! So here are some tax planning tips to help you reduce your Capital Gains Tax (CGT) bill.
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