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It should be every businesses priority to get exposure and be easily found online. When you are trying to be easily found online, SEO is key. However, SEO can take a long time, continuous hard work and sometimes can even cost money. Therefore, you will need to also invest time in other methods to make your business easily searchable that will work a little quicker. A great way to make your business have a prominent place on Google is by setting up a ‘Google My Business’ page.

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The positive effect of having an online presence and being on multiple different social media platforms cannot be denied. Yet, a majority of SME’s are not taking the advantage of using social media to drive sales for their small businesses. Social media is a cost-effective way of effectively marketing your business, and the presence online is an absolute must in the present day.

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Pinterest is the hub of inspiration for multiple different things varying from interior décor to cake recipes, and it inspires millions of users on a monthly basis, 175 million active monthly users to be exact. Although Pinterest’s visitor figures may not be as impressive as social media giants such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, it still has loyal users, the number of which is continuously increasing. The versatility of ideas and creativity of the social platform is what attracts its millions of users. Whether you need a Pinterest profile as part of your social media strategy will depend on your business, however the potential of the huge reach can really be a game changer for businesses.

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Getting free publicity for your small business is great. It means exposure for your small business and that can really help you expand your reach. There are multiple ways in which you can get free publicity for your business, which will ultimately help you get noticed. When running a small business, it may be difficult on focusing on exposure when your main concern is running the business itself. However, once you are in a comfortable state, it’s time to invest time in expanding and getting noticed.

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