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flexible working

There is light at the end of the tunnel. After more than a year of turbulence, there are signs to suggest that life may soon return to normal. The Government has outlined a roadmap out of lockdown, and if the current trends are maintained, then most British adults will have received a vaccination by Summer’s end. With restrictions on socialising and non-essential retail currently set to be lifted on the 21st of June, many are already looking forward to the return of ‘normal’ activities like eating at a restaurant, going to the gym, or spending a night on the town.

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For your business to do well you need motivated, engaged employees. Research by Gallup shows that businesses with engaged employees outperform others by 202%. In addition, the study showed that businesses in the highest quartile of employee engagement ratings outperform those in the bottom quartile in customer ratings, productivity, and profitability.

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 Now more than ever professionals are keen to move away from traditional working hours in favour of a better work-life balance, and as more of life moves online, the idea of working from home seems to make sense. Many organisations are now offering, or at least trialling flexible working hours, but some are still behind the times.

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Dealing with bereavement in the workplace can be difficult; when you’re experiencing such high emotions, the office can be the last place you want to be. At any time, one in 10 people in the UK is likely to be affected by a bereavement. It’s important that employees receive the help and support they need to get through this challenging time.
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A massive 50% of small businesses say hiring new employees is their top challenge. According to Wasp Barcode’s annual State of Small Business Report it is the number one challenge for businesses with fewer than 499 employees, even more challenging than the traditionally-mentioned issues, such as increasing profits and cash flow. So, Yuliana Topazly from BuddyWith explains how flexible working can help.
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