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To start a business whilst studying may seem incredibly daunting, you may feel like it’s not the right time or that you’re not ready. However, having access to your student resources could be hugely beneficial for starting up your business and to the success of it. So if you have a dream of starting your own business, then why wait around? Get started on building your future today.

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If you run your own business, you are bound to have a lot on your plate all the time. The list of things to do never ends. To keep up you need to always be on your game. That is why everyone is looking for ways to be more productive to achieve their goals. Unfortunately, a lot of information we take as gospel is misleading and affects our productivity instead of helping us.

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More often than not, the idea of starting a business seems way too complex and frightening. Most believe they wouldn’t be able to handle the challenges or have no idea what awaits them. And so, they decide not to pursue an idea or a dream and quit before they even start.

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Decorating your office can be as challenging as it is rewarding. And being limited to a budget does not make the job easier! It is much more challenging to decorate an office than it is to decorate your bedroom or living room because the office is a much more sober place. Even if you run a small business, you probably get a lot of people coming over to your office, and you need to make sure that they get a good first impression of the place. After all, they will use that impression to make their initial judgement of you

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Gus Bartholomew is the latest entrepreneur to feature in our success stories. Gus is the co-founder of SupplyCompass, a company that helps clients in the UK get in touch with manufacturers in India. In this success story, Gus discusses working with a partner and working in both the UK and India.

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One of the least favourite things for every business is moving. You have to get your furniture, documents, and everything else into an entirely new location. This can be a hassle. However, what most businesses won’t consider, but should, is a storage unit. A storage unit can really make the whole process a lot easier to deal with.
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As a small business owner it can feel like you don’t have enough hours in the day to get everything accomplished that you need to. Time management is key in being able to carry out all the required daily tasks. One of the biggest time killers is emails as you have to constantly deal with a stream of incoming communication. As email is the most preferred form of communication when it comes to businesses, it’s essential to make it as quick and efficient to deal with as possible.

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