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Readers question: I incorporated my company name in 2007 with the initials “CLA” included as part of the full name. Recently I received a letter from lawyers representing another company who also use “CLA” in their company name and want me to rebrand and stop using CLA as part of the full name. I noticed they registered a trademark for CLA in 2009. I also notice there are hundreds of companies using CLA as part of their full company name. Can you please advise if I will be forced to change my company name?

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When you start a business, there is so much work that has to be accomplished. Every little detail matters to help make your business as successful and competitive as it should be. One of the crucial details in which you should exert your A-game has to do with your business trademark. In general, your trademark is like your brand name, whether it’s a word, a logo, a slogan or a combination of all these. This trademark is used to distinguish, identify, and set apart your company from others.

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