With a £250, 000 prize money for business investment up for grabs, as well as partnership with Lord Sugar, the Apprentice is a huge business opportunity for the candidates. With only one week left of the battle to win Lord Sugar over, the show is coming to a close. The two finalists have been revealed, James White and Sarah Lynn, despite one of them being fired from their previous job.

White is one of the most controversial finalists in series 13 of the show. During the interviewing process in the latest episode, after some grilling, White finally admitted that he was previously fired from his job for ‘gross misconduct’. James tried to brush off the matter and stated that it: “added to his character”. However, the interviewer Linda Platt slammed him saying: “I think meeting with other recruiters on the side and getting fired doesn’t add to your character. I’ll tell you what I do think it does. I think it puts a shadow over your trustworthiness with Lord Sugar’s investment.” Additionally, he was caught out lying about trade accreditation on his business website.
Lynn has also been criticised, however she lacks the controversy that surrounds James for his actions and behaviour. Sarah’s business which she claims is unique, doesn’t seem to be ground-breaking or particularly different from the products of her competitors. Therefore, fans of the show were left shocked with the results of the final two.
Both of the contestants lack in different aspects of running a business. After being questioned and scrutinized, James’ business plan was deemed: “very, very optimistic” by Lord Sugar himself and he added that the: “proposition is quite hard for me to envisage.” Sarah was criticised for not realising the potential of her business, Lord Sugar said: “Sarah, you’ve got a business already, albeit that it’s not been exploited to the full I feel, and I struggle in understanding that.”
Another prominent part of the episode was the firing of Michaela Wain. Fans were disappointed with this decision and took to twitter to make their opinions heard. One user tweeted: “So Michaela is fired because basically she has been too successful! Madness! At least she had personality and wasn’t a lying snake like James!”
The interview process revealed a lot about the final two contestants, and it builds up the anticipation of the final episode. White and Lynn will grace our TV screens for the last time on Sunday, for the final showdown to earn the place of being Lord Sugar’s business partner.
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