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Starting Up

Here are 5 things you can put in place to make your business more streamlined, and ensure that you’re on target for a prosperous 2016.
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Behind every good start-up there is an ambitious entrepreneur driving the business forward. However, if these entrepreneurs are going to grow their businesses they’re inevitably going to have to hire a team of talented individuals. Building a great team is just one of the key steps of building a great business, but in today’s competitive employment market how can a new start-up attract the best talent?
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Using our experience of working with small companies over the past decade, we’ve compiled a no-nonsense list of 16 things you should consider before taking the bold decision to start up a new business.
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You crave the freedom, flexibility and control that having your own business would give you, yet you hesitate to take the plunge and start. You love your new business idea, but will anyone else? Fear of failure and not making any money are common inhibitors for budding entrepreneurs.
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Executive coach and author, Kate Tojeiro, explains why many business owners would benefit from finding what makes them happy, in order to fuel greater success at work.
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If you’ve ever quit one job without having another one to go to, you’ll have experienced The Fear – that feeling of dread that the money might run out before you find employment.
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With the days of a ‘job for life’ long gone, and the ranks of the self-employed growing stronger by the day, should graduates consider starting up a business as a worthy alternative to the traditional corporate career path?
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