The success of a business is greatly dependent on the efficiency of the employees. The relationship of the people in an organisation will determine the kind of outcome that they will produce as a team. This is the reason why it is also very important for every business owner, manager and supervisor to examine the kind of atmosphere in the office. One has to be sensitive to the needs of the people he or she is managing. Teamwork is only possible if everyone is comfortable with the company of the other.

There will always be times when people will be challenged and will be in conflict but there should always be a way to resolve it. Employees work every day with the people who are also part of the company where they belong. Most of the tasks that everyone is given can be accomplished with the help of the other. An organisation has to work as one body and the best way to do this is to make sure that they are functioning as a team. To help in achieving harmony in the office and improve teamwork, here are the different ways to be considered as told by Best Office Chair.
Communicate every day, every way
Communication is the bloodline of any successful organisation. This is why it is a very important thing in the office. People should learn how to connect to each other even in the simplest way. Communication is crucial and it is the most important force that builds a team. There is no functional team when people do not care about talking and expressing their ideas. Start your day by showing that you are a part of the team by expressing your idea and letting your teammates know that you are easy to approach. Write a letter, smile, wave, go over and talk to the other person.
Define the roles of each member
One of the major reasons why conflict arises is the unclear boundary between tasks that are being done by the members of a team. As the leader, one has the responsibility to let every member know the responsibilities that they need to do as a part of the team. The importance of knowing the role of every member in achieving the goals of the team should never be underestimated. When everyone knows their limits and they know their specific roles, it is easier for them to work and they will be able to stay on their specified task. Overlapping of tasks and conflicts can be avoided with this.
Office space
Aside from making sure that everyone in the office has the best office chair, it is very important to determine the layout of the office space. When people are working in cubicles with high boundaries, it will be more difficult to communicate with each other. An office where each member can easily access the other is a great start in improving teamwork.
Encourage informal social events
There will be tensions and pressure in the workplace because of the task and the responsibilities that each one has to do. With the amount of stress that everyone is experiencing, tensions may arise in the middle of a busy day. The importance of having informal social events is something that can help ease stress. It can also increase the possibility of making the team members comfortable with each other.
Implement recognition programs
People work well and they participate in achieving the goal of the team if their efforts are recognised. This is why it would be a great idea to spice up the office completion by providing incentives and recognising those who have been working really well during the whole month or even the whole year. This can easily get everyone’s attention and it can increase the productivity of every member.
Set a protocol for resolving conflicts
Conflicts cannot be avoided because of the differences of the people who are working together. This is the reason why there must be a system and a protocol that should be done to make sure that conflicts are resolved in an easier manner. This has to be based on the rules and values of the company. Every member of the team should be able to understand and should know how this protocol is done. This way, resolving conflict will be easily done.
Develop a concrete plan for building trust
Trust is the building block of a team. When you trust the people who are working with you, it would be easier to do your best and work for a single goal. Trusting may not be easy for some people because of their past experiences. However, with a good and a solid plan, you can build trust within the team. There are different activities that can make this possible. You should start by letting them get to know each other. After that, you can explore some activities that will let every member put his or her trust on what the other is doing. Give everyone a chance to be trustworthy and let everyone see what others can do for the whole team.
Set challenges to the team
Life would be boring if there are no challenges. This is also the case in a team where people have to be kept challenged and motivated. People lose their focus and their motivation if the task is becoming a routine and the excitement is no longer there. With this, you have to consider setting challenges to your team. You can do this by introducing some new and exciting ways to do things. People love to learn and they can learn better when they are being challenged.
Teamwork is an essential requisite for success. If people are working together towards the same end, it would be easier to reach the goal. Making a team may be easy but keeping everyone motivated and productive is the real challenge. Every member should be given the opportunity to perform and to show their best as a part of the team.
More on boosting productivity and how to become the best company to work for.
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