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When it comes to promoting your start up sometimes the smallest methods can have the biggest impacts on the success of your business. Most methods don’t require a lot of budget however you should invest some time to make sure you see the maximum benefit. You need to make sure you spend some time understanding your market and industry so you know what will work best for your brand!
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In a study carried out by the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) it was found that a staggering £7 billion is being wasted by small and medium-sized businesses which have been overpaying on their gas and electricity bills. And yet, this massive overspend could easily be avoided – says Nolan Braterman from Frontier Utility.
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Till systems are no longer just a cash drawer and a calculator – they have become a cornerstone of modern day retail and hospitality businesses. A till can store data, help manage staff, keep track of stock levels and feed information straight to your accountant.
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Owning a business is tough. It can be difficult waiting for receipts to clear. You may find you’re spending all your time trying to chase profit and leads, and neglecting your cash flow.
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Many SMEs leverage the power of the internet to broaden their horizons and trade with companies overseas. It’s also allowed micro-businesses and freelancers to compete with much larger suppliers, both in the UK and elsewhere, without the costly fees associated with a traditional merchant account.
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Many people see the idea of using ‘big data’ in business as something that is exclusively for large businesses, says co-founder of The Good Till Co., Oliver Rowbory. Surely the ability to analyse and use such information requires not only expensive data, but also numerous staff to maintain, support and work on these platforms, before translating what the data is really saying to the management team, right?
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Shweta Jhajharia from The London Coaching Group provides answers to some frequently asked sales and marketing questions posed by start-ups, including making the most of social media, and how to retain customers.
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