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New platform launched to tackle mental health issues in the workplace

Mental health issues in the workplace have been a hot topic for some time and now even the government is recognising the issue. The issue of mental health problems being neglected in the workplace has a negative effect on everyone involved. Therefore, the government has pushed to tackle the issue. A new online service for employers has been launched to help them support and manage their employees with mental health issues.

mental health issues in the workplace

The NHS approved platform MentalHealthSolutionsInBusiness.com (MSB) will give free training to mental health ambassadors. Companies will initially have to appoint a mental health ambassador, who will then be given this free training on dealing with mental health issues in the workplace. The platform will also offer discounted counselling for the employees. This platform can be game changing in the face of mental health crises in the workplace.

Research conducted by the MSB has found that the number of mental health issues being reported in the workplace is on the rise. A survey carried across MSBs psychotherapists’ network,  found that there was a 100% increase in the last three years of mental health cases. The number of work-related mental health issues has also seen an increase of around 60%.

The mental health issues have become such a problem that the government has introduced a new legislation. Employers are now legally responsible for helping their employees with their mental health issues. The failure to comply with the law will result in either a fine or the chance of facing persecution and the employers will also have to cover the legal costs. Therefore, employers need to make it a priority to look after their employees.

Mental Health Solutions’ director Steve Jackson said: “Hard on the heels of the GDP shakedown, employers are again being asked to implement a root and branch review of practices and processes.  Every good company wants to support their people 100% – but this is a very specialised area where professional help is critical if businesses are to comply.”

The psychotherapists that took part in the survey, all expected the number of mental health work tribunals to rise. They predicted the number of cases doubling within the five years. This should provide small business owners with the motivation and encouragement to take action.

There are small changes that can be implemented into every day that can transform the workplace. Most jobs will cause a certain amount of stress, however, it’s vital that those stress levels are controlled. If the employer is not providing a safe and comfortable environment in the workplace, then they risk prosecution. Business owners should also consider getting trained and provide counselling for their employees through the MSB.

More on mental health and welling being tips and small business news.

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