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employment law

First and foremost, dismissing an employee should always be the last resort. An employee is or should be, an asset of a small business. There may be reasons why an employee is not performing or has caused an issue, however, you should try to get to the bottom of this before making any decision to dismiss them.
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Hiring young people can be very beneficial for small business owners that have a heavy workload and small budget. You can take on young people through various programmes; you may wish to offer a week’s work experience, a three-month internship or even longer apprenticeships. When it comes to taking on young people as employees, you will need to make sure that you are fully compliant with the employment law. Seek the advice of an HR professional, if you don’t have an in-house HR team/department.

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Recruiting for a business is one of the most important milestones. It marks either the beginning (if you start with a team) or the growth of a business. There is no other predictor of success as prevalent as the team of people you employ to work for you. Having a good team, that moulds together and works hard, is essential to business success. Therefore, when it comes to recruiting for a small business, there are multiple factors that need to be considered.

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