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It’s very easy for businesses to fall into the “just-in-case” trap. They keep paperwork (or its digital counterpart) to the extent that they are legally permitted “just in case” and as a result, bit by bit, they become overwhelmed by (digital) “stuff”, which is not really needed and certainly not wanted.

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We’ve all heard the stories of companies that started in a garden shed to eventually be sold to Google for billions. So many founders and aspiring entrepreneurs share this dream. But building your start-up for a trade sale takes a lot of forward-planning. Where do you even start?

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When it comes to hiring for any role, the main priority is getting the right candidate. You may need to look outside the UK if the applicants you are getting are not quite what you are looking for. There may be various reasons for wanting to employ people from overseas, however, whatever your reason you will need to adhere to certain rules and regulations.

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Business growth is what every entrepreneur wants to see. But as your fledgeling organisation begins to spread its wings, you will likely find yourself spread ever thinner, spending more of every day distracted by things that have nothing to do with your core business.

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Running a small business is by no means an easy feat. It requires so much from one person whether it’s emotional intelligence, being able to effectively manage and lead a team, or passion that will help you get back up after setbacks and failure. Naturally, you will have a heavy workload as a small business owner. Therefore, you will need to make sure that you manage it effectively in order to make yourself and your business a success.

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Often success is measured by increasing profitability of a business, if the profitability isn’t increasing, it can make a business feel stagnant. You don’t have to make dramatic, big changes or cuts such as increasing prices or laying off staff. There are other ways in which you can make small changes that will benefit your business and increase your profits. Being a small business owner, if your year-on-year profits aren’t increasing, or even worse are decreasing, then you will seriously need to look at different strategies to increase your profits.
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When you think of New Year’s resolutions, you probably think of failed attempts at getting fit or travelling more. However, New Year’s resolutions can actually be useful and you can even set some that you can achieve. The whole idea of a New Year’s resolution is to make a change that will have a positive impact on you and your business, so why not take the opportunity to do so.

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Small business owners often don’t delegate when they can and when they should. Lack of delegation in a small business environment can lead to the business owner being overworked and over-stressed. Taking on everything may seem natural to you as a business owner and you may think it is productive, however doing so can really hinder your chances of growing and developing your business. Therefore, practice and take time to learn how to delegate in a small business environment . The art of delegation, as you will find, has many benefits.
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