Established retailers have a habit of keeping their cards close to their chest, claiming that their success is down to simply having a “good eye” for products that will sell. But business can’t be all about guesswork, because you’re inevitably going to get it wrong at some point.
product packaging
We are spoilt by choice. The truth is, we probably don’t need seven different coffee brands to pick from, especially when they have at least three different products each. However, if we think we have it tough, think about the coffee companies.
In the latest study conducted by the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB), it was found that if small businesses were supported by bigger businesses then they could grow their business through innovative techniques. Innovation is the key to the success and the growth of the business. If innovation is fed through the supply chain, this could significantly help small businesses succeed.
Up until now, you might have thought that your product was the driving force behind getting a shopper to part with their cash – after all, isn’t that why you’ve spent months (if not years) developing it to perfection. You would be wrong, though. If you’re reading this then you’ve probably already realised that whatever medium or vessel you’re using to contain your products is a much, much bigger deal.
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