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The share capital in a private limited company is the amount of money invested by its owners in exchange for shares of ownership. Company directors are typically shareholders in their own companies. Shareholders exercise certain powers over how the company is run.

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Readers question: I want to give my shares from my limited company to my partner, so my question is how do I transfer shares to a partner of my limited company?

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Readers questions: A small limited company has signed an agreement with me to provide certain services when its building project is complete. So my question is if the company is sold on, does the acquiring company have to honour this agreement with me?

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Readers’ question: I am a shareholder in a limited company and receive dividends as payment each month. I am being taxed by the company at 20% as corporation tax before they pay the dividend and then paying up to 32.5% tax as I am a higher bracket taxpayer. So, on the majority of the dividend, I am paying 52.5% tax – is this correct?

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Seed capital which is also referred to as a seed money is the initial money start-ups use to get started on their business. The name comes from the idea that a seed is the beginning or the start of something. Seed money can come from various sources, therefore seed funding itself is not a form of funding. Although the sources of seed funding vary, the most popular source is investors, also known as Angels.

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Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock, you’ve probably heard about cryptocurrencies. The meteoric (and overinflated) rise of Bitcoin has firmly planted the disruptive technology in the minds of everyday consumers. And as a result, many companies looking to raise money for their business have probably asked themselves whether they should be running an ‘Initial Coin Offering’, or ICO for short.
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A shareholders’ agreement is exactly what the name suggests; an agreement between the shareholders of a company.
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Shares can be transferred in many ways. If you are transferring shares in a listed company, then you (or your broker) will generally use an un-certificated system such as CREST. However for a private company, the more normal instrument is a stock transfer form.
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Following the implementation of the Companies Act 2006, all new limited companies must complete a statement of share capital to complete the incorporation process.
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