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small business finances

Over the past decade office desks have changed massively, no longer do we see the dominance of calculators, notepads, writing equipment and instruments we used to update company accounts – our desks are now clutter-free and the computer has taken over. All of our trusted aids and devices can now be accessed through our PC, tablet or even our mobile phones. Most businesses have welcomed these changes, as with them they have brought dramatic increases in efficiencies and improvements in the way we work. Yet, one out-of-date accounting tool that many companies still hang on to is the “trusted” spreadsheet.

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While having fun may not be a mandatory prerequisite for succeeding in the business world, if you have fun performing vital tasks, you stand to receive a number of benefits. First of all, you’re bound to pay more attention to what you’re doing (instead of just dozing off in boredom), thus reducing the likelihood of a mistake being made. Second, you’re less likely to procrastinate and postpone handling this task, which means that you’re more likely to handle your tasks in time and regularly update them. Finally, if you like what you’re doing, you’ll learn a lot quicker, seeing as how you’ll already have a strong intrinsic motivation for such a thing.

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As a small business involved in overseas trading, there lies a high risk due to fluctuating currency. More specifically, the volatile nature of the marketplace and mitigating factors which directly impact the value of selected currencies, both at home and the trading country.  As a small limited company or an overseas contractor, it is vital to actively measure the risk and equip your business against changing exchange rates. Failure to do so could tip your business towards financial difficulty, disrupting company cash flow and the overall profitability of the company, writes Keith Tully of Real Business Rescue.

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According to a recent survey, 49% of all nurseries in England do not make profits. This may come as a surprise to many parents who believe childcare costs are too high. Not only this, but a recent article by the National Day Nursery Association (NDNA) also stated that nurseries are now closing ahead of 30 hours due to low funding and wider business pressures.

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