Established retailers have a habit of keeping their cards close to their chest, claiming that their success is down to simply having a “good eye” for products that will sell. But business can’t be all about guesswork, because you’re inevitably going to get it wrong at some point.
target market
When you start a business, there is so much work that has to be accomplished. Every little detail matters to help make your business as successful and competitive as it should be. One of the crucial details in which you should exert your A-game has to do with your business trademark. In general, your trademark is like your brand name, whether it’s a word, a logo, a slogan or a combination of all these. This trademark is used to distinguish, identify, and set apart your company from others.
You may think that the benefits of having, creating and running a blog for your business may not be worth all the effort. However, in the world of Google and online rankings, a blog could really transform your website and business. A blog can allow you to build an image of your business and giving any potential clients a view into what your business is all about. The most important benefit of having a blog is that it increases the traffic to your website which could transform into paying clients.
So you have a great idea and a business plan and you want to grow a successful online business. Not surprising, given that online sales now make up over 17% of all purchases in the UK and there’s no sign of that slowing down.
In our latest success story, we discuss the success of Stem + Glory, a vegan restaurant, with the owner Louise Palmer-Masterton. Louise, a yoga instructor turned entrepreneur gives us an insight into her business journey, from discussing future plans to the rise of veganism.
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It may seem a bit obvious, but targeted marketing is vital to ensuring that every pound you reserve for marketing is well-spent. Being able to identify exactly who is likely to buy your product, will help you to attract them. But it can be difficult for small businesses to effectively determine their target market.