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women entrepreneurs

In a recent study by Purbeck Insurance Services, it was found that just under half of women (46%) entrepreneurs found it difficult to switch off from work compared to the 38% of men entrepreneurs. With the International Women’s Day falling on Sunday the 8th of March this year, it is recommended female entrepreneurs take the day to celebrate and take time off to switch off.

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Franchising is an excellent way for individuals to start a business while benefiting from support, training and branding from a larger, more experienced company. The 2018 British Franchise Association (BFA) Natwest franchise survey highlighted a sharp rise in under-30s starting franchises and a high rate of female entrepreneurship.

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In the latest Small Business Index (SBI) carried out by the Federation of Small Businesses, it was found that small business confidence has risen again. The confidence of small businesses has hit a one year high, which is great news for the sector across the UK. The steady rise in the confidence portrays a bright future for small firms that remain strong and positive despite adversities.

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