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business owner

It is not a widely known fact, but company directors can receive statutory redundancy pay from their limited company under certain circumstances. If your company becomes insolvent and has to be liquidated, whether this happens on a voluntary basis or forcibly via a creditor’s winding-up petition, you may be eligible to make a claim.

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The self-employment sector grows continuously in the UK. More and more people are taking the plunge of becoming their own boss and it’s not an easy decision to make. To leave the security of being an employee, which provides regular work and pay checks, it can be daunting. Being your own boss and running a business can be glamorised, but in reality it can be quite difficult.
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If you decide that you are ready to take on the world of franchising and want to invest in a franchise business, then there are certain things you need to consider. These include skills and attributes that make a good franchisee, choosing and buying the type of franchise, as well as actually running the franchise on a daily basis.
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Starting a business is one of the most important decisions of a business owner’s life. Therefore, you want to think about it carefully and consider whether you want to run the business by yourself and the advantages and disadvantages of doing so. You may also want to consider going into partnership, however you should make sure that you make a decision that you feel confident and happy with.
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Franchising is a very specific business structure that is becoming increasingly popular. It is easiest to think of franchising as a kind of licensing. It allows an individual to run a company of their own, but using another company’s brand name, trademarks and suppliers.
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