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Cash flow is the term for the money that flows in and out of your business. From petty cash to business capital, cash is what keeps small businesses alive. While it is usually measured monthly, quarterly or annually, your cash flow should always be at the forefront of your mind.
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For businesses, it’s natural for success to be associated with growth. But while this might mean more turnover, it also means more supplies, more staff, more inventory, more equipment; in other words, growing your business can be expensive.

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It may be an obvious statement but businesses need to regularly keep tabs on their expenditure. If you feel you are spending too much in certain areas then this article may help you cut business costs.  QCR give you tips on how you can improve by cutting costs and lowering your expenditure.

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The late payment culture in the UK has been plaguing the livelihood of small businesses and causing severe financial strains. The federation of small business (FSB) is urging for more effective policies from the Prompt Payment Code (PPC) which has failed small businesses in the past. The demise of Carillion has effected thousands of people and many businesses that it owed money to.

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Often success is measured by increasing profitability of a business, if the profitability isn’t increasing, it can make a business feel stagnant. You don’t have to make dramatic, big changes or cuts such as increasing prices or laying off staff. There are other ways in which you can make small changes that will benefit your business and increase your profits. Being a small business owner, if your year-on-year profits aren’t increasing, or even worse are decreasing, then you will seriously need to look at different strategies to increase your profits.
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The new Small Business Commissioner, Paul Uppal is driving the change that needs to take place, regarding small businesses being paid late. Larger businesses and companies unfair treatment of small businesses, and the culture that has become a norm can really have detrimental effect on small businesses. Therefore, when the Small Business Commissioner was appointed earlier this year, one of the major issues that he said he would deal with was the late payments problem.

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Late payment is one of the leading causes of business failure. When the cash stops flowing, many firms  – even successful ones – could be forced out of business. Keeping on top of your cash flow should be a priority for all business owners.
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In good and bad times, the most successful companies are those which keep and eye on costs and cashflow management from day one. Here are some ideas to increase the efficiency of your business.
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