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peer to peer lending

Flowers are timeless and have been used for centuries to express emotions. They play a role in all occasions, from expressing sympathy, to celebrating the birth of a new baby or showing love on Valentine’s Day. Flowers being closely related to emotions and occasions is perhaps the reason why the florist industry has been thriving for decades and why the need remains strong. The fresh cut flowers and plant industry is currently worth £2.2 billion in the UK, and to give some perspective that is £0.2 billion more than the music industry in the UK. The florist business industry is huge and comes with the vast opportunity to start a successful company.

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The Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) has carried out research looking at small businesses reaction to new credit. The study carried out had just under a thousand small business participants. One in three of those businesses say that the new credit is unaffordable. It’s making them hesitant to borrow funds, which are vital for growth. These findings come just ahead of Bank of England’s decision to raise interest rates in the UK.

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Lots of businesses want to raise funds – very few are actually successful. This is because the job of fundraising is poorly understood. And to make matters worse, raising funds is more of an art than a science. Before you start on the fundraising journey the most important step is to identify whether you need equity or debt – or a combination. Clive Hyman FCA, the founder of Hyman Capital Services explains the difference between the two and what is suitable to your business.
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Lendable, a peer-to-peer lending platform is becoming increasingly popular and growing at an incredible rate to rival its competitors.
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Peer to peer lending is a way to get finance without the involvement of any official financial institution. However, there are certain platforms you can use to get funding. The peer to peer lending websites are known as platforms and will vary from website to website. In this article you will learn what peer to peer lending actually is and what are the pros and cons for using this particular method of funding.
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