February is Random Acts of Kindness Month and top UK reward and incentives experts Appreciate, home of Love2shop, have developed a business tool for success that’s generated by goodwill.

Why a culture of kindness pays
Called the ‘Business Kindness Loop’ the idea is that businesses boost their employees morale, extra productivity, improved health (less absenteeism) and loyalty by generating a culture of kindness and appreciation in the workplace.
Science proves it works
Scientific studies have shown that acts of kindness boost the feel-good hormones oxytocin and serotonin – for both giver and receiver – creating a positive feedback cycle. What’s not to love!
Simple gestures are all it takes
From a thank you card or ‘job well done’ post-it left on a desk, to a surprise ‘lunch is on me’ voucher, or even an e-gift card to celebrate a special occasion – the positivity cycle keeps turning and your workplace becomes a source of connection, boosted self-esteem and inspiration.
Pencil in some kindness
Even if you are a start-up or thriving SME a great idea is to introduce a dedicated calendar with reminder to ensure special moments don’t get missed. Milestones like birthdays, new arrivals and work anniversaries. An automated egift card, ‘lunch is on me’ voucher, flower delivery or tickets to an event really do generate a sense of being valued.
Take it in to the community
The Kindness Loop is not restricted to the workplace. Even a small business with limited CSR budget can continue the goodwill cycle by organising staff charity events, fun-runs, toy collections or even set a few days aside a year to work for a charitable cause of their choice.
High fives all-round
Many larger companies do this with the help of some clever tech, like Appreciate’s own digital employee recognition platform. They let your staff cultivate random and targeted acts of kindness by celebrating the positive achievements of colleagues at all levels, sharing them for everyone to see.
Spread the joy
If you’ve a notice board or whiteboard in the staffroom, you can make it a place where colleagues can write messages of thanks and gratitude to others and is a cost-effective solution. Or, if you don’t have a central office, perhaps a monthly internal newsletter that celebrates all the good and kind things your staff have done recently.
Automatic kindness
Sending a token of appreciation is easier than ever thanks to technology. In these days of working from home connection with a personal touch can often be lost but it’s now possible to make someone’s day digitally with a personalised Love2shop Contactless gift card, which can be delivered straight to employees through email or SMS.
Its a difficult time for a lot of people and research shows that the pandmic has had a negative impact of peoples mental health, therefore a little kindness can go a long way.
More offering perk and benefits to employees and being charitbale.
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