Many small companies, including those providing professional services to clients, perform a lot of work from home. One of the most frequently asked questions by directors is what expenses can you legitimately claim back against your company? Here is a breakdown of claiming home office expenses.
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home office
Starting a part-time small business is ideal if you want the security of employment whilst investing in a side business. Starting a business can come with great risks, and one of the main reasons that potential entrepreneurs are held back is for fear of their business failing. However with a combination of business skills and the right product, you can make your business a success. When running a part-time small business you also don’t have the life changing risk of failing hanging over your head, as you still have a steady income through your day job.
Working from home is an ideal situation for many, however, in some cases, it is simply not possible, for example, if you are a heart surgeon you can of course only really work at the hospital! Whether you are a home-based small business owner full time, or you balance your time between working from home and at the office, you will know there are many pros and cons of both.
[continue reading…]There’s no doubt about it: moving out of the home is a bit of a leap in the dark for any business. There may be unintended consequences and hidden expenses just around the corner, but there may also be limitless opportunities for growth and lucrative success.
When running a small business, saving money and cutting costs where you can should always be a priority. By being smart when dealing with taxes it can actually save you a considerable amount of money. If you are effectively dealing with your taxes, it could be the difference between a steady profitable business to one that’s just barely getting by.
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Most people can only dream of working from home, but if you have managed it then you will need to set up an office at home. Having a work space in your home will allow you to switch off when you leave your designated work area, because it is essential to switch off after a long day of working. Here are four things you need to do before setting up a home office.
A massive 50% of small businesses say hiring new employees is their top challenge. According to Wasp Barcode’s annual State of Small Business Report it is the number one challenge for businesses with fewer than 499 employees, even more challenging than the traditionally-mentioned issues, such as increasing profits and cash flow. So, Yuliana Topazly from BuddyWith explains how flexible working can help.
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Working from home may be a distant dream for many, however if you are lucky enough to be living that dream of working at home, then you will need a good office space. More and more people are starting to take advantage of working from home, and deciding to ditch chaotic commutes.
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