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Would you jump into a plane with a pilot who had learned to fly from books alone? Highly unlikely I suspect! We are willing to trust pilots because they’ve spent hundreds of hours in a flight simulator, have developed their expertise and can cope in situations of extreme pressure.

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Leadership is an amazing experience. It gives you the opportunity to shape and influence an organisation and, perhaps more nobly, to turn a vision and a dream into reality. That said, leadership can be hard, and people often harbour unrealistic expectations about what is involved.

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If you’re an introvert, delivering talks may not be your first choice of how to apply your skills. However, as a business owner, you’ll need to present to your teams, clients or investors whether you like it or not.

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The reason why you started your business is because you want it to be an empire. Simply put, you want it to become one of the most successful enterprises around. Your dream is to dine with renowned entrepreneurs in the globe or appear in the next issue of Forbes Magazine as one of the wealthiest people in your country or the world. However, to earn all this, you need first to encourage your employees to be the best version of themselves. You need to enhance their productivity so that you cannot only make them happy but also more efficient in their jobs. But how do you do this?

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Good leadership is vital regardless of the size of the business, but a medium or large business will at least have enough managerial support to mitigate the damage caused by leadership problems. A small business doesn’t have that kind of buffer. With such a small team, a lack of stable direction can have disastrous consequences.

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‘Health foods and health drinks are growth markets. And if you’re dreaming, like I did, of starting your own health food or beverage brand, then I’d like to share with you what I learnt when launching INIU’, says the founder of the health food brand INIU.

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Jose Melico is the latest entrepreneur to join others in our success story series. Jose came up with the idea of Zypho when he was just fourteen. Zypho is a water heat recovery device that reduces shower water heating energy bills. Being energy conscious and thinking about a solution to a problem enabled Jose to come up with this winning business idea at such a young age. In his success story, the entrepreneur discusses having a solid team and the skills required to keep a business going.

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Mental health issues can be damaging to the workplace and the business if not dealt with in the right way, so it is necessary to create a culture and environment in which your employees can talk about any issues they are having. It was reported by mentalhealth.org that around 14.7% of employees have mental health issues, and around 12.7% of sick leave can also be attributed to poor mental health.

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Where do you find your motivation, is it by following in the footsteps of your idols, or reading motivational quotes? Words have the power to achieve great things and coming from the right person, have the power to reignite fire in you, and give you the motivation you need.

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Running a business is not for everyone, it requires certain skills and abilities to really be a successful business owner. To run a small business successfully, business owners will need to either be born a natural leader or hone skills and get qualifications specifically for the challenge of setting up and running a business. Although every entrepreneur is different, they will likely share a certain set of skills and knowledge which enables them to be successful.

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Leadership skills are something that you need to acquire in order to run and lead a successful business. Everyone is not born a natural leader, and this is not necessary in order for you to be a good leader. You can develop leadership skills over time and through experience. It is important to invest time in developing good leadership skills, as this will help you be a successful entrepreneur and a good boss.
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