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limited company accountant

If you set up a limited company, you are not legally required to appoint an accountant, although there are multiple benefits of doing so. In this article, we discuss if appointing a limited company accountant to look after your affairs a statutory requirement, or if can you take care of your accounting duties yourself?
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As a small business owner, there will be a number of business insurances that you will consider getting, from professional indemnity insurance to private healthcare insurance. Another type of business insurance you might consider getting is Keyman insurance, also known as Key person insurance.

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Readers Question: I do fostering and am classed as self-employed and I have an accountant that deals with my accounts and also my personal allowances with the tax office. I am thinking of running a property business – buy to let and set up a limited company. Will I need a different accountant to deal with my small business company hence 2 accountants?

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When you hire a new accountant for your business, you will typically agree an upfront fee to cover the wide array of tax and administrative tasks required to keep your books in order. Here we consider the typical tasks an accountant will provide.
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Unlike traditional ‘small business’ accountants, most contractor accountants provide a specialist service tailored to the specific needs of contractors – typically for a monthly fee.
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Although many specialist accountants have offered some type of online service to their clients in the past, the arrival of cloud computing in the past few years has revolutionised the web, and the way both small businesses and their accountants communicate.
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