If you are thinking of starting a business and don’t have huge investment funds then there are still plenty of startup business ideas for you to consider. There are certain elements that come into play when starting a small business that could reduce the costs of starting up significantly. From working at home to needing minimal equipment, it doesn’t have to cost large sums of money to get started.
word of mouth
Flowers are timeless and have been used for centuries to express emotions. They play a role in all occasions, from expressing sympathy, to celebrating the birth of a new baby or showing love on Valentine’s Day. Flowers being closely related to emotions and occasions is perhaps the reason why the florist industry has been thriving for decades and why the need remains strong. The fresh cut flowers and plant industry is currently worth £2.2 billion in the UK, and to give some perspective that is £0.2 billion more than the music industry in the UK. The florist business industry is huge and comes with the vast opportunity to start a successful company.
Customer experience is now emerging as a vital and highly valuable part of digital marketing. In fact, we’d go so far as to say it’s the most important part of digital marketing for businesses today. Not long ago user experience was the talk of the industry, but as technology and capabilities have progressed, the potential of customer experience has risen rapidly.
[continue reading…]Is there anything more important than customer satisfaction when it comes to ensuring that your business achieves the best results? Well, unless you’re selling your products or services to people who have no basic knowledge of what quality product means, the question of how important of a role customer satisfaction plays in business marketing cannot be undermined in any aspect.
The digital marketing world can no longer afford to ignore podcasts as a platform since the rest of the world definitely isn’t. If the world’s podcast episodes were the citizens of a nation, it would sit somewhere between Malaysia and Mozambique, with over 28 million people and rising. A country of podcast listeners though would number somewhere between Indonesia and the United States. Nearly two-thirds of South Koreans, half of Americans, a third of Australians, and a fifth of Germans, and many other portions of other countries all reporting having listened to a podcast in the last month.
Potential customers don’t change that much. It’s common for businesses to overestimate the attraction of novelty and underestimate the power of traditional consumer behaviour. Marketing is not new, but digital marketing has changed the way that we do things.
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