If you need some marketing inspiration, there’s no better role model than Apple. The marketing geniuses at Apple know that the secret to super-effective ads lies first and foremost in their simplicity.
In addition to sleek design and simple visuals, one of the most recognisable features of Apple campaigns is the lack of any information on where and how to buy the products. Apple lets the product speak for itself – and you should too! Leave out the flashy noise and strip your content to the bare minimum for maximum impact.
Another thing to remember if you want your marketing strategy to be as successful as Apple’s is to steer clear of futile price wars. Apple sticks to its high-price strategy which allows them to tout their unique value proposition and focus on creating the best user experience.
The Website Group has put together the below infographic to help small businesses create a marketing strategy that is inspired by one of the best known and most successful brands in the world, Apple.
The infographic highlights tips such as keeping it simple, believing in a cause, creating an experience through the product and connecting with customers through emotions and emotional marketing.

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