You don’t need us to tell you that the world of work has changed. If you are involved in working remotely, you’ll also know that some aspects of work life have become even more exhausting.

Zoom fatigue is very real! And companies are finally working out that to keep staff happy they need to make some changes. A virtual coffee break has become a great solution for some companies. Employees can grab their coffee set or tea strainer, make a drink, and take 30 minutes either to themself or with the company, to try and unwind and take a break from the action.
Benefits of a virtual coffee break
What are the benefits of a virtual coffee break? There are a number of reasons why people are starting to enjoy this sort of activity, and while it feels like a corporate gesture to some, the benefits are clear.
- It encourages people to actually take a break. If you’re the sort of person who often has lunch at your desk or finds it impossible to tear yourself away from emails. A lot of the fatigue remote workers are now experiencing comes from the relentlessness of daily work.
- It encourages socialising. The water cooler moments we used to have when we were in the office have gone, especially if you are working completely remotely. Social life is a big part of the fun of work for some people. Remove this, and you’re just left with the more mundane tasks. Studies suggest that a workplace with a good social atmosphere tends to be happier and healthier.
- It lets introverts be introverts. Some people use this as a chance to relax and not actually talk to people. Some customer-facing jobs need you to talk 6-8 hours a day, and the coffee break could actually be the chance to unwind and not have to talk.
- It shows employees that you care. For employers, making a point of reminding staff you don’t think of them as machines is always a good idea to boost their happiness.
- You can change the subject. If your coffee breaks are a social activity then why not use this as a chance to change the subject and refresh the brain. If you spend all day thinking about work, 30 minutes to discuss your favorite sports team or what’s going on in the news can be a bit of a relief.
Ideas for virtual coffee breaks
Virtual coffee breaks can come in many different forms. What are some of the top ideas for virtual coffee breaks? It is vital that you think about what your team will enjoy, and give them some options. You could even split your employees into different groups, and let them choose whether they want to be part of the sports chat coffee break, the meditation coffee break, or the quiz coffee break.
Here are some top ideas for virtual coffee breaks:
- The silent break. As we’ve said already, not all employees want to chat. Encourage them to take a virtual coffee break, guilt-free, on their own. Breaks actually boost productivity, so it makes a lot of sense to ensure that your employees are taking them.
- The quiz break. Who doesn’t love a quiz? Okay, so there have been a lot of online quizzes over recent years, but you can make it fun by adding themes and getting different employees to set up their own quiz. A little bit of ownership can add to the comradery and make everyone get involved.
- Make it all about the drinks. People in the UK love their hot drinks, and tea and coffee can be a great source of discussion. Why not encourage your team to send each other their favorite drinks or share recipes? Order everyone a taster coffee set and get them to review their favorite beverages. 30 minutes of guilt-free chill time during work!
- Get the blood flowing. Incorporating exercise into the daily routine can also make employees more productive. How can you take advantage of this? Get your employees to exercise together, either doing yoga, planned workouts with a personal trainer, or any other exercise of their choice. This can be social, but it can also be a way to get the heart racing, stay healthier, and get more done.
- Skill swaps. This can either be related to the work you do, or just a way to pair up employees and talk about their interests. Some people might just want to chat about their favorite games or what they do outside of work, you could even share gardening tips. It really doesn’t matter, as long as your team are being refreshed in the process.
You might assume that people aren’t working as hard if they are working from home, but this is not the case at all. A lot of employees work even harder and get fatigued. Encourage breaks to ensure that your staff don’t burn out.
More on taking breaks and lunch time activities to boost productivity.
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