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Strong advertising is perhaps the most powerful feature of any successful marketing campaign. Advertising is where a business makes itself seen to the world, and is how the majority of customers and clients will first interact with a brand. After all, customers can only be drawn to a company once they know it exists!

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Social media influencers are an increasingly prevalent force in the world of digital marketing. With influencers impacting buying decisions across a broad range of different industries, more and more brands are looking to build valuable partnerships with social personalities.

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Is there anything more important than customer satisfaction when it comes to ensuring that your business achieves the best results? Well, unless you’re selling your products or services to people who have no basic knowledge of what quality product means, the question of how important of a role customer satisfaction plays in business marketing cannot be undermined in any aspect.

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“Don’t start a company unless it’s an obsession and something you love. If you have an exit strategy, it’s not an obsession” – said Marc Cuban, a well-known American entrepreneur. Running a startup is much harder than many aspiring entrepreneurs could have imagined. You might have difficulties in different spheres including communication, project management, marketing, and sales. Thus, it is important to ensure that you are well prepared and equipped with reliable tools to handle such activities.

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Affiliate marketing in the UK is growing every year. In fact, in 2017 the sector topped £550 million and it is expected to get even bigger by the end of 2018 and beyond. This is great news for both affiliates and businesses alike. Small business owners in the UK are being boosted by this rise in affiliate marketing. It means that small and medium-sized businesses can set up an affiliate program and make sales without the big marketing budget – all it takes in return is a commission to the affiliate for their efforts.

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Composing a formal document that will be scrutinised by peers and professionals can be a daunting task or a task one can learn and grow from after progressing with the tips necessary to advance their writing skills. Business writing is often a type of writing people avoid due to the difficulties one may encounter when faced with such a task. However, there are a number of easy to follow tips when taking on a business writing task that will allow people to confidently express themselves while maintaining a professional tone.

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