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company culture

Hiring employees to your business is a sign of growth and expansion and something that should be celebrated. However, it can be a daunting process, especially if you don’t have any experience in hiring staff and employees. You must therefore be prepared to ensure that you have made a good decision and hired the right person.

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When you are starting out as an entrepreneur, your dream is to grow your business into something much bigger. But once you turn this dream into reality, you should now plan on bringing new talents on board to ease pressure on your current workforce. This requires detailed planning and thorough vetting to ensure you add the right people to your time.

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Which matters more: recruitment or retention? Many employers struggle to answer this easy question. Every organisation is powered by its people, and hiring the right people starts with strong recruitment. Typically, employers believe that finding talented, motivated, experienced, and high-potential applicants to fill open positions is the best way to ensure a prosperous future of growth and innovation. But how much is that talent worth if it walks out the door after a year or two? Retaining existing employees means building institutional knowledge in your workforce and generating more stability.

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One of the highest accolades a company can ever receive is to be named as one of the best companies to work for. Over the years we have witnessed quite a range of fantastic businesses such as InTouch Games from the Midlands managing to pick up this title, and it has served both employer as well as employees extremely well in terms of long term success, satisfaction and efficiency.

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If you’re a business owner attempting to expand your brand and client base, millennials can be an attractive choice. It can be difficult to figure out how to start appealing to this new base. Even precise timelines for millennials are hard to pin down, but the general understanding is that the youngest of them are finishing college and the oldest are approaching 40 years of age. Thankfully, pinning down their tastes have been a bit easier than pinning down their age demographic.

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Each business will have a set of company values and a company culture that is adhered to by the majority of their employees. It’s important as the boss and the business owner to set these values and culture as they need to go hand in hand with your business brand and image. Although these are internal matters, it helps your employees stay in tune with your business brand. For example, if you are preaching gender equality, your company values and culture need to reflect and support that.

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There are almost a million drivers on the UK’s roads who are behind the wheel of a company vehicle. A company car is a privilege and a great perk of employment. It is also an essential tool for those who need to spend time at the remote work site or meeting with customers, suppliers and business partners.

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Recruiting for a business is one of the most important milestones. It marks either the beginning (if you start with a team) or the growth of a business. There is no other predictor of success as prevalent as the team of people you employ to work for you. Having a good team, that moulds together and works hard, is essential to business success. Therefore, when it comes to recruiting for a small business, there are multiple factors that need to be considered.

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The self-employment sector grows continuously in the UK. More and more people are taking the plunge of becoming their own boss and it’s not an easy decision to make. To leave the security of being an employee, which provides regular work and pay checks, it can be daunting. Being your own boss and running a business can be glamorised, but in reality it can be quite difficult.
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Small business owners often don’t delegate when they can and when they should. Lack of delegation in a small business environment can lead to the business owner being overworked and over-stressed. Taking on everything may seem natural to you as a business owner and you may think it is productive, however doing so can really hinder your chances of growing and developing your business. Therefore, practice and take time to learn how to delegate in a small business environment . The art of delegation, as you will find, has many benefits.
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When running a small business, it’s impossible to avoid stress completely, however there are certain things you can do to reduce stress and the effects of it. Constantly dealing with stress can have serious negative impact on your mental and physical health. You really need to be proactive in reducing stress causing factors in your everyday life.
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Starting up can be a very expensive endeavour and you need to keep costs low so you don’t overspend. This will decide the survival of your business so ensuring that you are cutting costs where possible and just keeping costs low in general will ensure the business is kept afloat. In this article you will be given manageable tips to make sure that you are spending on necessities rather than extra luxuries (unless you can really afford them).
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