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search engine optimisation

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is the method of improving the quality and the quantity of traffic to a website. It’s a marketing strategy which helps a website get better rankings in Google and other search engines such as Bing and Yahoo. However, the main focus is on Google, as it is the most used search engine. The idea is to drive organic traffic to a website as much as possible by providing Google with the most relevant content. SEO in the most basic terms, is creating a site and content which will help Google rank it highly, allowing relevant people to find the content and the website.

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Planning and implementing an SEO campaign can seem like a challenging undertaking. Fortunately, with the right tools and advice from SEO experts, your website can reach the top of Google’s search results pages.

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A study has shown that many talented professionals are using search engines such as Google to look for work. This means that you can use SEO to attract the best talent available. As a result, you may be able to reduce the time, effort and costs involved in acquiring the top talent.

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Digital Marketing: simple or complex? Broken down, the principals, the channels and the objectives are pretty straightforward. Designing the right strategy, however, is where things become a little obtuse. All channels need to work in conjunction, and require constant attention, while your tactics need to evolve as your data does. On all channels, knowing and understanding your audience is essential.

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It’s 2019 and businesses are starting to see the importance of artificial intelligence (AI). Even though the number of businesses that use AI still sits at a disappointing 16%, it is expected to triple by the end of 2019.

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Online businesses are everywhere and search engines are a significant source of traffic for most of their websites. If you are running a small online business, then being ranked on Google should be your priority.  Therefore, it’s recommended you opt for the right SEO plugins and tools for making sure that the search engine optimisation of your WordPress site is in order.

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Every small business needs to do some marketing to succeed, and at the foundation of effective marketing is great content. Hence, “content marketing” has become a thing — a really big thing. There are huge benefits of content marketing which still go unnoticed by small businesses.

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You may think that the benefits of having, creating and running a blog for your business may not be worth all the effort. However, in the world of Google and online rankings, a blog could really transform your website and business. A blog can allow you to build an image of your business and giving any potential clients a view into what your business is all about. The most important benefit of having a blog is that it increases the traffic to your website which could transform into paying clients.

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It should be every businesses priority to get exposure and be easily found online. When you are trying to be easily found online, SEO is key. However, SEO can take a long time, continuous hard work and sometimes can even cost money. Therefore, you will need to also invest time in other methods to make your business easily searchable that will work a little quicker. A great way to make your business have a prominent place on Google is by setting up a ‘Google My Business’ page.

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When it comes to your eCommerce business, there is always work to be done. New technologies and trends are constantly changing how consumers shop, which means that we need to change with them or risk getting left in the dust by our competitors.

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Does your business have more than one physical location? We understand that as an SME, it can be difficult to decide the best way to approach local SEO. You want your local branches to have a competitive online presence, but you don’t know where to start.

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Have you invested heavily in your website only to find that those leads you thought would be flowing in, are simply not coming?  You are not alone. Tim Butler, the founder of Innovation Visual gives you 10 of the fastest ways to improve the performance of your website. Small business owners need to make sure that that their website is optimised so take note of these tips to make your website perform better.
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If you have a company website, and are wondering where your first group of visitors will come from, you might consider finding out more about search engine optimisation – and marketing your website to potential clients.
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